How realcarboncreditsnow is Different

Carbon credits can be obtained in by various methodologies

Carbon Credit Methods
1.  Paying for someone else to reduce their emissions for you.
2.  Paying to have carbon dioxide removed for you.
This second option is often the most common form of carbon credit and is usually in the form of planting trees as trees do absorb carbon dioxide during daylight hours.

The tree planting problem
Trees do remove carbon dioxide but they really don't remove much carbon dioxide until they are fairly mature (depending on the species of tree).  This means that the carbon credit you purchase now will not really be removing the carbon dioxide you are producing until 10 to 20 years from when the purchase was made and the newly planted tree matures.  Also if the trees are harvested and or burned, much of the carbon captured in the wood is released back into the atmosphere.  Many of these tree planting operations are conducted in countries like India or Malaysia.  What is known of survival rates of these trees and what is their long term future?

How realcarboncreditsnow is different
Realcarboncreditnow uses a direct absorption technology.  100 cubic feet of air is moved per minute (that is 144,000 cubic feet of air per day) through a device that we call a Nichols Cell.  This Nichols Cell removes carbon dioxide directly from the air by a chemical process scientifically leaving the carbon dioxide sequestered in an environmentally safe form.
From the day you subscribe to, carbon dioxide is immediately being removed from the atmosphere for you and not some long term proposition that really does not start removing carbon dioxide for 10 or 20 years from now.

Start today and have your carbon credits begin working right now, not twenty years from now!

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